There are so many activities and events that the Chattanooga area offers adults, children and collective families!. The entire area is rich in history, culture, recreation, and family fun to partake. Whether you want personal time alone or quality time with your family, this part of Tennessee IS the PLACE to be! Below you will find categories that lead you to hopefully comprehehensive listings of those activities listed above including a church worship listing. The individual pages will lead to other local websites containing more indepth information such as travel directions, what they offer, times and dates of operation, and particulars concerning the area of interest.
local sites of interest
Auto/Bike/Hike clubs, bowling, Boy Scouts & Girl Scouts, 4H, civic organizations, recreational groups/leagues
Local nature parks, water sports, handgliding, and walking track locations.
Learn about the history of Chattanooga and beyond!
Arts, Dance, Theatres, Museums, Concerts, Diversity,
Theatres, concerts, bands, clubs, restaurants
Denominations & Locations, Website URL links
Special Events
fishing tournaments, fairs & festivals, TN River Jam, Bessie Smith Strut, Strawberry Festival, N. Hamilton County Fair
Baseball, softball, soccer parks, Kids Clubs, Recreational Parks, leagues and exercise facilities
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